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  AG00014_.gif (6607 bytes)           "I’d like to kill all of these sons of bitches and just be done with it!" - BILL CLINTON - White House staff meeting during impeachment.

"Write down the name of that motherfuc*er. When I’m back in office, he’s a dead man." - BILL CLINTON - Arkansas second campaign for governor to a campaign aide.

"I can do any Godda*ned thing I want. I’m President of the United States. I take care of my friends and I fu*k with my enemies. That’s the way it is. Anybody who doesn’t like it can take a hike." - BILL CLINTON - White House staff meeting regarding the IRS going after Kenneth Starr.

People Clinton Didn't Have to Pardon

Clinton Lawyer Charles Ruff Dies Mysteriously

Waco Siege Investigator Found Dead In His Home!



Read the following list of "coincidental" and "convenient" "accidents" and "tragedies" that have managed to bless the Klink administration at just the right time...


On August 4, 1992, presidential candidate Bill Clinton and his running mate, Al Gore sat silently near the front of the large National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. They had postponed a bus tour of campaigning in the Midwest, and were attending the funeral services for C. Victor Raiser II, the national co-chairman of finance for Clinton’s 1992 campaign.

Raiser had taken a brief pause from his grueling schedule to do some fishing for salmon in Alaska with his son Montgomery, and C. Taylor Kew, Raiser’s longtime friend from his home town of Buffalo, New York. A deHavilland Beaver floatplane was carrying these three men and three other passengers to a remote fishing lodge.

The pilot, seeing the clouds were too low to make it over a pass, tried to turn around in a narrow valley when the engine stalled, and the plane hit the side of a mountain. Only the pilot and Kew survived the crash, both suffering serious burns. Kew made a partial recovery in an Anchorage hospital, but a month after the crash (the day after returning home to Buffalo) he collapsed and died.

The report of the crash issued by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) states that the pilot was diagnosed with a diabetic condition upon admission to the hospital after the crash. The pilot had no record of any diabetic condition before the accident. The NTSB ruled the probable cause of the accident as pilot error.

Mr. Raiser was an influential man; Clinton and Gore were not the only important dignitaries attending his funeral. He was a prominent fixture in the affairs of the Democratic Party. Among many important positions he held were chairman of the American Mobile Satellite Corporation, the national finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and a position on the board of advisers of the Democratic Leadership Council.

Among those expressing sorrow at Raiser’s death was Ron Brown, who was then the national chairman of the Democratic Party, and was soon to become Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce. Ironically, Brown himself would die four years later, when the plane he was on crashed into a mountain in Croatia. In fact, the crash which killed Raiser was the first of seven different fatal crashes, between 1992 and 1996, of aircraft carrying associates of Bill Clinton.


On March 12, 1993, President Clinton visited the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, at Norfolk, Virginia. He had just recently taken office and his credibility with the US military was extremely low. Many saw the visit as an attempt to bolster his standing with the military, and his image in the eyes of the American public as Commander-in-Chief.

On March 25, 1993, just thirteen days after Clinton’s visit, tragedy struck the Roosevelt when five naval aviators, Lt. Cmdr. Jon A. Rystrom, Lt. William R. Dyer, Lt. Robert A. Forwalder, Lt. Patrick J. Ardaiz, and Lt. John A. Messier, went down in the Ionian Sea in an E-2C Hawkeye radar plane.

The plane had been monitoring nightly drops of humanitarian aid to Muslims in eastern Bosnia, and was returning to the Roosevelt. As the plane approached the carrier, it was waved off because of a fouled flight deck; the crew circled into a holding pattern, and the plane disappeared about a mile from the carrier. There was never any distress call, and the cause for the crash was never determined.

Bill Clinton expressed his “deep concern over the accident,” mentioned his recent trip to the Roosevelt, and complimented in a general way the sailors and marines aboard the ship. He did not mention that the particular naval aviators that had died had been part of a special squadron chosen to personally escort the President when he boarded the ship.


Clinton had been transported to the USS Roosevelt aboard one of the Marine helicopters in the presidential fleet. That very helicopter, a VH-60 Blackhawk, went down on May 19, 1993 (less than two months after the radar plane from the USS Roosevelt had gone down) in a wooded area 35 miles southwest of Washington during a routine inspection flight. All four crewmembers were killed. They were identified as Maj. William S. Barkley Jr., Capt. Scott J. Reynolds, Staff Sgt. Brian D. Haney, and Sgt. Timothy D. Sabel. At least Barkley, Reynolds, and Sabel had all previously flown with Clinton to the Roosevelt on the same helicopter. No cause for the crash was ever determined.

Clinton was once again expressing sorrow over the death of acquaintances in the crash of an aircraft.


On September 10, 1993, just four months after the crash of the Whitehouse helicopter, another associate of Bill Clinton died in a fiery plane crash. Stanley Heard was a chiropractor from Hot Springs, Arkansas, and friend of Clinton since 1978. Clinton had sought Heard’s help in running for attorney general of Arkansas, and had shared with him his dream of becoming governor of Arkansas and, eventually, President of the United States. Over the years, Dr. Heard had personally treated Clinton’s mother, step-father, and brother. Heard was the chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee, and represented the chiropractic profession in Hillary Clinton’s Health Care Task Force.

Heard and Steven Dickson, a legal counsel for the Kansas Chiropractic Association, were taking off from Dulles International Airport in Washington after attending a briefing on Clinton’s health care plan, when a fire broke out in the engine compartment of the six-seat Piper Cherokee they were flying. They tried to make an emergency landing on a private airstrip in Virginia, but their plane clipped a tree, hit the ground and exploded into flames. The NTSB reported the cause of the crash to be problems with the exhaust system, and therefore “an inadequate annual inspection,” which had been performed some three flight-hours before the fateful flight. According to the NTSB, the left intermediate and left cross-over exhaust pipes had separated, allowing hot gases to flow into the engine compartment. A clamp securing the exhaust pipes to the accessory case was missing.

Ironically, on the way to Washington, Dickson’s own private plane had developed engine trouble, and he had been forced to land in St. Louis, where he rented the ill-fated Piper Cherokee.

By this time, Bill Clinton’s first year as president was not over, and there had already been four fatal crashes of aircraft carrying associates
of his.


In 1994, the crashes continued.

Seventy-two year old Herschel Friday was a partner in the largest law firm in Arkansas. He was a much-loved man with friends in high places in both political parties, including former President Bush and President Clinton. In 1971, sources in the Nixon Administration stated that President Nixon planned to name Friday, a Democrat, to the Supreme Court, but that he decided that Senate confirmation would be unlikely, and searched for other names. Friday, like Victor Raiser, was a prominent figure in Clinton’s 1992 presidential Campaign Finance Committee.

On March 1, 1994, Friday was approaching his private air strip in the country near North Little Rock, Arkansas, when he temporarily lost his instrument lights. When he regained the lights, according to his son, who was waiting for him at the strip to monitor his landing, Friday began his base turn to land, when the plane nose-dived into the ground, exploding on impact. The NTSB report simply cited “pilot error” as the cause of the accident. No serious problems with the airplane were found in the investigation of the crash.

President Clinton called Friday a “good man and a great citizen,” and stated that he had been a friend of his for 30 years. At the end of a relatively coherent and lively press conference in which the President addressed a number of other matters, a reporter asked him whether he was going to go to Arkansas to attend his funeral. Clinton gave this odd response: “I don’t know. I don’t know what the facts are yet. I just heard about it this morning. I actually - right before I went to work early this morning I heard about it.” He did not attend the funeral.

RON BROWN, SECRETARY OF COMMERCE (3, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 28, 29, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40)

After the crash that killed Herschel Friday, two full years of Clinton’s presidency passed in which apparently no associates or acquaintances of his died in aviation disasters. Then, on April 3, 1996, the most infamous and controversial crash occurred. An Air Force jetliner carrying Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown and 34 others, including the delegation of American businessmen traveling with him, smashed into a mountainside during its approach to the airport at Dubrovnik, Croatia.

There are three general reasons why there is so much controversy and suspicion surrounding this crash. First is the timing of the crash, second are the circumstances surrounding the crash itself, and third is the way in which Brown’s remains were processed and questions raised by medical examiners who had observed his body.

First, Ron Brown’s death came at what many say was a very convenient time for the Clinton Administration. An Independent Counsel was investigating Brown for numerous allegations of bribery and corruption. After Brown’s death, the investigation was transferred to the Justice Department where it was, in effect, terminated.

Also at the time of Brown’s death, a conservative law group called Judicial Watch was pursuing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suit against the Commerce Department, alleging that seats on trade missions like the one Brown was on when his plane crashed were being sold to business representatives for campaign contributions to the Democratic National Committee and the 1996 Clinton/Gore re-election campaign. In fact, Brown was noticed by Judicial Watch to give a deposition in this suit, but the Justice Department requested that the deposition be postponed until he returned from the ill-fated trade mission.

On March 24, 1998, in the course of Judicial Watch’s lawsuit against the Department of Commerce, Nolanda Hill, a close friend and business partner of Brown’s, testified under oath that Brown had complained to her before his death that the White House was pressuring him to stall the investigation and cover-up what he described as a scheme to sell seats on trade missions in exchange for campaign contributions.

In September of 1998, the Commerce Department actually requested that the federal judge presiding over this FOIA suit rule against them, and offered to pay Judicial Watch’s legal fees. Judicial Watch opposed such a ruling.

Besides the seemingly convenient timing of Brown’s death, the circumstances surrounding the crash itself have elicited suspicion and controversy. When the plane crashed, it was reported in the major news media that there were no survivors, and that bad weather had been the cause. Both of these early reports turned out to be false.

The White House and the Pentagon made statements to the media the day of the crash that foul weather had been the cause, even making the statement that it was the worst storm in the area in 100 years. This information proved to be completely false, and the final report by the Air Force ruled out weather as a cause.

Immediately after the crash, the businesses that had executives representing them on the trip were informed that there were no survivors, and the White House implied the same by statements to the media. But through the legal actions of Judicial Watch, a previously undisclosed log from the Department of Commerce has recently been uncovered which shows that Ira Sokowitz, a Department of Commerce official, had notified the White House, some 40 minutes after the wreckage was discovered, that there were two survivors. One of those survivors is known to be Tech. Sgt. Shelly Kelly, who died from a broken neck in transit to a hospital in Dubrovnik. It is still not known who the other survivor was.

This log also reveals that shortly after notification of the existence of two survivors, Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott relayed a “strong request” that a TV crew from a station in Dubrovnik “not film at the crash site.” The request was granted. The State Department has apparently offered no explanation as to why this request was made.

Another unusual official action after the crash was the departure from USAF policies which require an initial consideration that the causes of all plane crashes are undetermined until an investigation is concluded. The White House and the Pentagon both rushed to the judgment, long before an investigation was carried out, that the crash was an accident. Secretary of Defense William Perry informed the press a day after the crash that “it was a classic sort of accident.” There was no evidence at that time for Secretary Perry to make such a claim.

The airport in war-torn Dubrovnik had only an outdated landing system using radio beacons. Ordinarily, the Air Force prohibited flying into airports using these outdated landing systems, but an exception to this prohibition was made for Brown’s plane.

The official Air Force findings into the crash resulted in the punishment (including some dismissals) of 16 Air Force officers. Most of the blame, however, was attributed to the plane’s crew. According to the Air Force report, the crew passed the first radio beacon, then unexplainably swerved off course 9 degrees and failed to tune into the second radio beacon about two miles in front of the runway which would have warned them that they were off course. They proceeded on a collision-course with the nearby mountain.

If the flight data recorders had been installed and recovered, they potentially would have provided key evidence which would have helped solve many of the mysteries of the crash. The plane was a converted Boeing 737, and as a civilian aircraft under Federal Aviation Administration regulations, it would have had flight data recorders installed. Defense Department officials claimed the plane was not equipped with voice or cockpit data recorders. Air Force One and other military VIP aircraft carry such recorders, but Brown’s plane did not. Curiously, the same log from the Department of Commerce that was recently obtained by Judicial Watch states, “Chief of protocol Misetic called...The flight data recorder has been

In addition to the confusion surrounding the crash itself and the timing of the crash in regards to the Independent Council’s investigation of Ron Brown, unresolved questions about the handling of Brown’s remains, and the officially declared cause of his death have fueled common suspicion and conspiracy theories.

In December, 1997 and January, 1998 the 'Pittsburgh-Tribune Review' an a series of stories in which several officers at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, who had examined the bodies of Ron Brown and the other victims of the crash, were coming forward with startling statements which brought into question the official determination of the cause of Brown’s death, and which revealed a departure from standard official and medical procedures in the examination of bodies of victims.

Four officers, with 68 years of forensic experience among them, stated that there was a 0.45 inch hole in the top of Brown’s head, that pictures were taken of the wound, and that x-rays of Brown’s head showed evidence of a “lead snowstorm,” which is a term used to describe the characteristic small lead particles in the head consistent with a gunshot wound.

Two of the four officers actually saw the wound, one of them being the photographer. The other two officers saw the forensic X-rays and the wound on the photographs. All four had extensive experience with gunshot wounds, and all had excellent records and reputations.

After coming forward, all four have claimed various forms of retaliation by their superiors, including being ordered to clear out their current offices and being transferred to menial positions and positions outside their areas of expertise, and being given negative job evaluations for the first time in their careers.

Despite the fact that these four experienced officers at the AFIP involved with the examination of Brown’s body, along with Dr. Cyril Wecht, a distinguished medical examiner for Allegheny County, Pennsylvania who was provided the evidence in the case, all agreed that the wound in Brown’s head appeared to be a .45 caliber gunshot wound, and despite the fact that Ron Brown was a high-ranking official in the Administration, no autopsy was performed, and the Justice Department declared that no investigation into the matter will be conducted.

At the beginning of 1998, the American public began to show interest in the story. As Brown was the highest ranking black government official in history, and well-known among the black community, black media and political figures (some of whom were close friends of Brown) began to demand answers, questioning the official determination of cause of Brown’s death. Most of the major news media did not pursue the story, however, and gradually public interest died down. No answers were offered and the mystery remains.

Added to all this tumult surrounding the death of Ron Brown is the infamous video showing a jovial, laughing Bill Clinton coming away from Ron Brown’s memorial, not realizing a camera is on him. He glances over in the middle of a laugh, spots the camera, and immediately drops his head, pretending to wipe away a tear. His associates walking with him do not notice the camera or the sudden change in Clinton’s demeanor, and continue their lively, apparently comical conversation. Ron Brown and Bill Clinton were said to be the best of friends.

SECRET SERVICE AGENT (8, 9, 11, 31, 39)

On August 17, 1996, only four months after the death of Ron Brown, there was a fatal crash of yet another plane carrying associates of Bill Clinton. This time it was an Air Force C-130 transport plane that went down near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where President Clinton had been vacationing. Clinton had left by helicopter to return to the White House just hours before the crash. Besides 8 crew members, the plane was carrying a communications van, many pieces of luggage, and secret service agent Aldo Franscoia. It was on its way to JFK international airport in New York, where Clinton was going the next morning to celebrate his 50th birthday.

Only minutes after taking off, the plane flew into a mountain about nine miles east of Jackson Hole. Aldo Franscoia and all 8 crew members were killed. An Air Force investigation into the crash concluded with the statement that “crew error” was the official cause. There findings could only be a guess: “The crew failed to monitor the aircraft’s position and flight path relative to high terrain ... Radar information...was not correctly interpreted.”

The morning after the accident, at a brief press conference at the White House before Clinton left for New York, he said that he and Hillary were “very sad and shocked” about the crash “because they worked for (him).” He also said during that brief conference that he “was told that they thought the pilot had turned around to come back to the airport.” It is not known who told Clinton this, but nobody has ever been found that has thought the plane had turned around. It had not. According to the Air Force investigation, the crew never knew anything was wrong.


Considering the eight aircraft mishaps that occurred between August, 1992 and August, 1996, in which it has been widely (and wildly) reported that associates of Bill Clinton have died, the claim of association is solid and irrefutable in seven of them. The eighth case is more speculative.

This crash happened near Lawton, Oklahoma on March 3, 1994, two days after the crash near Little Rock, Arkansas that killed Herschel Friday. The pilot and three passengers of the Cessna 310K were all killed when the plane impacted the ground in an inverted position. The cause of this accident was apparently a complete failure (from undetermined causes) of the plane’s electrical system, and subsequent disorientation of the pilot.

One of the passengers aboard this plane is only possibly tied to Clinton. The then Washington bureau chief for London’s Sunday Telegraph was reporting on Clinton’s background, and one of his contacts had set up a meeting between him and a dentist from Arkansas. The informant was going to share with the reporter something he claimed to know about Clinton’s days in his home state. But the meeting never materialized. The contact called the reporter and told him that his informant had died in a plane crash. Someone else later told the reporter that this informant was Dr. Ronald Rogers, a dentist from Hot Springs, Arkansas who was a passenger on the ill-fated plane.

THREE MORE RECENT MISHAPS (3, 4, 7, 14, 15, 24, 25, 30, 39)

So are the facts, that over a period of four years there have been seven aircraft crashes which killed associates of President Bill Clinton. In three of the crashes, key members of Clinton’s campaign finance committees died; some of his bodyguards and escorts died in three of the others; and two members of his Health Care Task Force, one of them being a friend of his family, were killed in another. In each of the crashes, the causes were not completely determinable, and circumstances were actually suspicious in the cases of the plane carrying Ron Brown, and that carrying the members of the Health Care Task Force. But this year, during the research for this article, there have been three other mishaps involving aircraft carrying
associates of Clinton.

The first occurred on April 24, 1999. A CH-53E U.S. Marine helicopter crashed into the Pacific off Okinawa during a training exercise. Major Marc L. Hohle was among the four crew members killed. He had flown Bill Clinton during Clinton’s first term in office.

A second aviation mishap this year occurred May 8, 1999, when Jim Inhofe, a U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, made an emergency landing in his 1979 Grumman Tiger. He was flying alone on his way to meet with Bill Clinton in storm-ravaged Oklahoma City. Inhofe had been in the air about ten minutes when the propeller dropped off his plane. He glided the tail-heavy plane for eight miles and made a perilous, high-speed landing in the grass at a small municipal airport. He suffered no injury, but his plane was damaged. Inhofe, who has been one of Clinton’s biggest adversaries in the Senate, said he was suspicious about the incident, and his press secretary said Inhofe’s office had requested the FBI to investigate because “propellers don’t just fly off airplanes every day.” Nicole Lupino, the NTSB official in charge of the investigation into the incident, said that losing a
propeller in flight is extremely rare. There has not yet been a final report on the mishap.

The third incident this year was the crash that killed John F. Kennedy Jr. His plane went down in July in apparently poor weather on his way to a wedding in Martha’s Vineyard. After the death of JFK Jr., Bill Clinton reminisced about the tour of the White House he had given him the year before. As a law student, JFK Jr. worked in the Los Angeles office of Clinton’s former adviser, Mickey Kantor. It was there Clinton said he met Kennedy. In 1995, Clinton’s re-election campaign repeatedly approached him with an offer to join them, but Kennedy wasn’t interested.


According to statistics from the NTSB, between 1992 and 1998, in the United States, there was an average of 382 aircraft crashes per year involving fatalities. These statistics did not include military aircraft, but they did include crashes of such things as ultralights and experimental aircraft. Using this statistical figure from the NTSB, associates of Bill Clinton were killed in about 0.3 percent of the fatal aircraft crashes that occurred during his presidency. In the first 15 months of his presidency, the percentage was greater than one percent.

Being the President of the United States, he will assumedly know more people than the average American citizen, and will therefore have a higher probability of knowing people that have died in any category of statistics. But even taking this assumption into account, the numbers are startling. Certainly no other president in history since the invention of the airplane has lost so many people close to him from this relatively unusual cause of death. None of these associates who were killed were someone merely claiming to know the President, or someone who had merely shaken his hand; these were true associates, under any definition.

During Clinton’s two terms, there have also been an alarming number of deaths of other associates of his by suicide, homicide, unknown causes, and accidents other than aircraft crashes. The number of such deaths varies widely (from the thirties to the hundreds) depending on the source and the criteria used to determine who is actually an associate of Bill Clinton. Some sources have compiled long lists that include numerous indirect and debatable associations. But even the most conservative of these lists, along with these deaths by aircraft crashes, and the suspicious circumstances surrounding some of these crashes, have understandably fueled numerous and varied conspiracy theories and have given rise to a common suspicion that the Clinton Administration, like a regime in some Third World country, has engaged in “cleaning house.”

But considering only the rate of these fatalities by aircraft crashes, and the indisputable association with Clinton of those killed, no explanation seems plausible. Conspiracy theories, coincidence theories, or a combination of the two are all unbelievable to the average, reasonable person; yet one of these three explanations has to be the truth.

To accept a theory of coincidence as an explanation for these incidences, one has to accept that the events have unfolded in a way very contrary to the rules of odds or probability we are intuitively used to.

But to accept some form of conspiracy theory that the White House has had these associates surreptitiously murdered for political reasons, as most of the conspiracy theories seem to speculate, one would have to make some assumptions about the President himself. It would have to be assumed that the President was an untrustworthy, untruthful person, that he kept shady, unprincipled company, and that he was capable of anything.

So if President Clinton proved himself in public to be a liar, caught in blatant lies over and over; and if many of his friends and associates, past and present, have been convicted of a wide array of serious crimes, or are under investigation for crimes; and if the President has shown himself to have low moral principles, seen to be unfaithful to his family, caught smearing old lovers and friends to try to save his skin; and if he was known to be in the habit of covering up the truth and obstructing justice; if all these things were true of the President, then reasonable people who were paying attention might be excused for giving consideration to conspiracy theories which assert that these aircraft crashes were caused by sabotage ordered and covered up by the Administration. Sadly, it is as reasoned an explanation for these events as any other.

GENERAL SOURCES (Indicated for each section)

1. Anchorage Daily News
2. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
3. Associated Press
4. Atlanta Journal-Constitution
5. Baltimore Sun
6. Buffalo Evening News
7. Chicago Sun-Times
8. Chicago Tribune
9. CNN News
10. Daily Oklahoman
11. Daily Republican
12. Department of Commerce log of April 3, 1996; obtained by
Judicial Watch in FOIA lawsuit and released to
13. Dynamic Chiropractic Newsletter
14. Esquire Magazine
15. Free Lance-Star (Fredericksburg, VA)
16. Kansas City Star
17. Laissez Faire City Times
18. London Telegraph
19. Los Angeles Times
20. Miami Herald
22. National Transportation Safety Board, Accident Statistics
23. National Transportation Safety Board, Ofiicial Accident Reports
24. New York Times
25. Orlando Sentinel
26. Personal communication with victims' families
27. Personal interview with Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
28. "Petition to Order Continuation of the Independent Counsel's
Investigation into Matters Related to Former Secretary of
Commerce Ronald H. Brown" - filed by Judcial Watch in the
United States Court of Appeals
29. Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
30. Sacramento Bee
31. The White House, Office of the Press Secretary
32. United Press International
33. United States Marine Corps
34. United States Navy
35. USA Today
36. Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk, VA)
37. Wall Street Journal
38. Washington African-American
39. Washington Post
40. Washington Times

CLINTON: "My Only Enemy is Right-Wing Religious Fundamentalism"

WACO 9/13/99 to current
WACO 7/28/99 to 9/12/99


The Clinton Body Count - Michael Rivero's Homepage

THE EXITS - Downside Legacy (Alamo-Girl)

90 Suspicious Deaths Of Individuals Close To Bill Clinton



Welcome To The Clinton Death List

Welcome To The Clinton Death List - Part Two

The Clinton Body-Count (Suspicious Suicides)

The Clinton Chronicles Video Transcript

The Clinton Chronicles Book Index

Suspicious Suicides - The Clinton Body Count


The Mob President

Clinton The Chin

Organized Crime - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

MOB RULES - Part One

MOB RULES - Part Two

Our Guy in the White House

Arkansas' Murderous Ways

Clinton-Connected Bribes, Break-Ins, Beatings, Death Threats

A Journey Through Arkansas, The Dixie Mafia, Bill Clinton and Injustice For All - Links

Is The White House Rapist Capable of Conspiracy To Commit Murder?

Read The Clintons and The Union Boss (Arthur Coia) - Reader's Digest - April 1996




Foster Death Report Sees Professional Hit

Foster Death Report Sees Professional Hit

Foster Was Murdered, Trooper Says

101 Peculiarities Surrounding The Death of Vince Foster - The Complete Text

Ninth Circuit To Hear Oral Argument in Vince Foster FOIA Case on 11-1-99

Vince Foster Archives - Christopher Ruddy


The Death of Vince Foster

101 Peculiarities Surrounding The Death Of Vince Foster - Part One

101 Peculiarities Surrounding The Death Of Vince Foster - Part Two

101 Peculiarities Surrounding The Death Of Vince Foster - Part Three

FBI Conspiracy In Foster Death Investigation

Proof Foster Was Murdered

The Unanswered Questions In The Foster Case

Reports Tie Clinton Sexcapades To Foster's Death

Tripp Testifies of Foster Death Cover-up; Murder of Jerry Parks

White House Death Threats - Linda Tripp

Vincent Foster: Allen Favish Scores Again!


Anonymous Eye Witness Saw Them Fiddling With Foster Corpse



Ron Brown Archives (Articles) - Christopher Ruddy

Brown Crash Reference Guide - Links

Experts Differ On Ron Brown's Head Wound

Kathleen Janoski Describes Cover-up In Ron Brown Investigation

Was Ron Brown Murdered?

White House Janitorial Service

The Ron Brown Imbroglio

Ron Brown Mystery: Captive Bolt Techniques

Wall Street Journal To Look At Shelly Kelly

Rush Limbaugh On Ron Brown Death


The Botched Ron Brown Investigation





The Dan Lasater Drug Trafficking Organization - Part One

The Dan Lasater Drug Trafficking Organization - Part Two

The Train Deaths, The Cover-Up, And Clinton

The Boys On The Tracks - Part One

The Boys On The Tracks - Part Two

America Should Have Listened To Former Arkansas Supreme Court Justice Jim Johnson

Who Murdered Jerry Parks? - His Wife Knows!

Jerry Parks - Hit and Run Execution

Two Clinton Aides Linked Tos Assassination

The Mena Anthrax Poisoning Case - Russell Welch

The Clinton Clan Nearly Beat Gary Johnson To Death

A Travesty Of Justice - The Story Of Wayne Dumond

Model Judy Gibbs - Burned To Death

Susann Coleman - Clinton, A Pregnancy, and Death

Who Killed Billie Jean?

Who Killed Billie Jean? - Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Meth and Murder In Madison County - Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Ralph Baker and Billie Jean Phillips


Johnny Franklin Lawhon Jr.

A Friendly Game Of Statistical Probability

Another Amazing Whitewater Appearance And Death

The Death Of Kathy Ferguson

Kathy Ferguson - Arkansas Trooper Alters Story To Clinton's Benefit

Neal Moody - The Secret Report and Death Warrant - Part One

Neal Moody - The Secret Report and Death Warrant - Part Two

John Markle - Suicide, Arkansas Style

Charles Miller (AllTel, Systematics)

Jess Hale - Suicide, Arkansas Style

Susie Deer - Fine Until She Met Clinton's Mother

Fahmy Malak - An Arkansas Medical Examiner

Don Adams Death

Dixie Mob Humor? Odd Patterns



THE OCTOPUS - The Tentacles of Corruption

Murder In The Martinsburg Sheraton


Paul Wilcher - The Deadly Pursuit of the Truth

Who Is Larry Case and What Happened To Barrett Hamilton?


BARBARA WISE: Missy Kelly’s Analysis of Mysterious Commerce Death

Missy Kelly's Analysis of Mysterious Commerce Death

Was Barbara Alice Wise Murdered in The Commerce Dept.

Did John Huang And The Late Barbara Wise Work Together?

Betty Currie - Death in the Family

Mary Mahoney - The Starbuck's Shooting

Did He Cry For Caity Mahoney?

D.C. Police Silent On Murder Of Former White House Intern

Starbucks Hints

Starbucks Murder Compendium

Eric Butera - Another Starbucks Murder

Eric Henderson - The Clinton Body Count

The Quiet Death of Ron Brown's Financial Advisor

Naomi Bossey - Family Was Lied To About Her Remains

Eric Breindel

Mysterious Pentagon Death

ED WILLEY - On the morning of November 30, 1993, Ed Willey, husband of Kathleen Willey, was found dead in dense woods off Virginia's Route 14 by police after hunters reported his Isuza off the side of the road. Ed Willey came from a prominent Democratic family in Virginia, son of the late Edward E. Willey Sr., a state senator from Richmond, VA considered one of the most powerful legislators in Virginia history.

Chef: Death-Threat Charge Retaliation

Lance Herndon - Beat to Death


Theories On Colby's Death Abound

William Colby - New Information 12-3-98

Going Over Boorda

Boorda History and Background

Larry Lawrence Dies In Switzerland

Larry Lawrence - Another Addition To The Clinton Body Count?

Anatomy of a Cover-Up: The Death of Tommy Burkett


OKC Bombing: Death of a Hero- Terry Yeakey- Finale - (Access to parts 1, 2, 3 also)

Terrance Yeakey - Death Of Police Officer

Unresolved Deaths In Oklahoma

Kenneth Trentadue - Death Of An Inmate

Cover-Up In Cell 709 A

Feds Lose Inmate Body Negatives

A Prisoner's suicide, or a bloody murder?

Ron Miller - Death of a Man Investigated

Ron Miller - Another Witness Bites The Dust


Clinton Body Count - Michael Rivero - Worldnetdaily

Riddle Of The Suicide Trail

Dying To Tell: Mysterious Deaths of Clinton Colleagues

When Bad Things Happen To Good Witnesses

Why Do So Many Friends of Bill Turn Up DOA?

Clinton Leaves A Trail Of Bodies

Little Rock's Mean Machine - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Rush Limbaugh - Peculiar Deaths / Jesse Ventura Reads Clinton Body Count On Air 3-11-98


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