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FReepers FReep "The Patriot"

Here we go, the initial, brief, small, mini, well you know, report on tonite's SoCal FReep of "The Patriot."

Thanks to Mercuria for organizing this fabulous event! She rounded up 35 Freepers, plus two not-even-lurkers, and dragged them to the theatre herself. (okay, SLIGHT exaggeration.)

Merc and I got there early, scoped out the place, and figured we had time for lunch, and a couple "motivational beverages" so we zipped up to the "Maui Beach Grill" as it seemed like the right thing to do.

Here's a photo of Mercuria, basking in the ambiance of the palm trees, and fine spirits. Her embarrassment is because I told her she had ketchup on her cheek. (just kidding Merc!)

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Then it was back to the theatre, where Freepers started showing up! Vanman was first, followed shortly by doug_from_upland. Doug called me on my cellphone as he was getting within spitting distance, and as he turned the corner, we gave him the big FReeper salute. Doug had a LOUD "CLINTON SUCKS!" bellowing from his car as he drove by, and several non-Freepers there had a chuckle as well as us!

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The beverages started to kick in, and Mercuria was "feeling the love!"

Anyway, by the time the movie was about to start, we had 37 in our group! Can you say COOL? I knew you could.

Personally, I was less than impressed by the movie. It was too long, (2hr 40min) and seemed slow at points. There was little historical reference, and too much drip. (read: mushy scenes.) That's all I'll say, in case you go see it.

After the movie, we tried to get a group photo shot, but FReepers are impatient, and wanting to party after an event, so I'm sure I missed a few in this photo:

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We then trucked over to "The Red Setter" an Irish pub near the FreepZone. Here are a couple shots of Freepers engaged in "spirited" debate, and the replacement of necessary and depleted amber fluids.

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This is Mercuria replacing depleted dark fluids. Folks, she went thru more Guinness than The Leprechaun on Saint Patties. That's Roddy, and David's head in the picture as well.

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Here are doug_from_upland, David, and his wife Crystal, debating the finer points (or lack thereof) in American society. Again, That's Roddy's, and Catherine's head (two totally non-lurking apathetics we tried to recruit) in the shot as well.

As you can see, we had fun, FReeped the movie, (there were many funny Mystery Science Theatre 3000 type comments by Freepers during the movie, dfu was particularly ON FIRE!) and had some laughs, drinks and debate afterwards.

There is nothing better than hanging out with the great people from Free Republic. Thanks Jim&John Rob!

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